Week 1, Day 5 – medicine stuffs

Oh I thought of something else.  Figured I’d lay out the medications I was taking before the surgery and compare it to now and during my post surgery progress.


Novolin (fast acting human Insulin that is injected) – x2 a day, 50 units

Lantus (12 hour slow release human Insulin that is injected) – x1 a day, 50  units

Zorcor (cholesterol medicine) – 20 mg x1 a day

Micardia (high blood pressure medication) – just upped it from 40 to 80 mg x 1 a day

Low dose Aspirin – x1 a day

Ok, keep in mind that all but the insulin has been taken off until I can get past this clear liquid phase, but here’s the insulin I take now:

Novolin – On a scale now, checking my blood sugar breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Anywhere from 15 units in the morning to 2-5 units for lunch and dinner.

Lantus – 16 units x1

Yeah, pretty significant, huh?  Will I be able to get off insulin someday?  The doctors say I have a reasonably good chance that I will once the weight starts coming off.  I was surprised at how much less I’m needing though.  I might up the Lantus at night to help bring down my blood sugar reading at fasting.  Wish me luck.

Week 1, Day 5

Current AM weight – 228

Well, I’m starting to feel a lot better.  Woke up this morning without my back feeling like it was thrown out of whack from sleeping on my back, propped up by a folded blanket.  I don’t watch the clock for when I can take my Tylenol (I really should have opted for the Oxycodin for those first 4 days, let me tell you), and I plan on going out and walking today.  Food is less on my mind and slowing down how quickly I eat my three gulps of jello is at the forefront.

I’m still reeling that 1/3 of a Jello cup makes me full.  I mean, really?  JELLO?

It’s hard to remember not to take big gulps of water, too.  I keep getting a huge mouth full of my strange concoction of water/special k protein powder/stool softener (at ease…) and I remember and I have to sit there with water in my mouth, swallowing it slowly.  Yeah that sounded weird to me, too.

What shall we talk about today though?  Oh, I know.  The subject of my “support system” keeps coming up.  Honestly, I don’t get why your family wouldn’t support you.  I mean, ok I can see a person being maybe jealous – people see the surgery as a quick trip to size 6 jeans.  I certainly do not.  This was the very last thing option for me.  I did not want to do this surgery.  At all.  I wavered on 60/40 to NOT do the surgery since I started Madigan’s Pathway which was 6 months long.  I was so undecided, I gained 10lbs while waiting. =/  But I’ve had a few friends, very few – I’d rather not advertise I’m so over weight that I need surgery – that were perplexed by the idea of me even getting it.  That was until I told them how much I actually weighed.  That is the beauty of being Brown, my friends.  Short and Brown – we carry our weight fabulously, or so I had hoped.  Even this morning I told my father (who weighs 140lbs wet and fully clothed) how much my start weight was and even he paused.

“What?  Really?”

“Yeah, Dad.  I weigh almost as much as Paul, my brother who is a beefy handsome beast who carries his weight in his arms and shoulders.


“Really, really, Dad.”

I had one friend offer to go with me to weight watchers which is something I think I’ll get into to maintain my smaller eating portions when I can eat.  Ultimately I decided to do the surgery as I was talking non stop for 30 mins to the psych doctor, the last part of the required ‘pathway’ for the surgery.  He was, well bald but I suppose that’s not the point, and very helpful.  He just let me talk.  You know how helpful it is sometimes to just have a sounding board?  Well mine is in South Korea, so this bald guy was plenty fine for me.  I talked about how unsure I was about actually going through the surgery.  How, damnit, I like to eat and I think I’d really miss eating.  Granted it’s only for a short time, but oh my god I LOVE EATING.  Then I progressed to talking about the kids, specifically Catherine.  Especially how she’s mimicking my eating habits.

“Huh,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“I am fairly certain I am going to go to my car and cry after this.”  I did, by the way.

“Why’s that?”

“Because my daughter eats exactly how I do.”

So, that did it for me.  The less I snack, the more she’ll see it as a good thing.  She talks about wanting to ride bikes with me when I’m skinnier and is genuinely excited for when I can walk more than 50 feet without getting winded.  She wanted this for me, so I could be there for her.

Huh.  I think I’m going to go and cry again.

Week 1, Day 4

current weight 228

I’ve almost lost 10lbs.  Huh.  I don’t see where it’s coming off, though.  Maybe it’s just the weight of my stomach, lord knows I could put the food away.  I have to say, it is difficult watch my mother and kids eat normal food while I sit there full after a 1/3 cup of sugar free jello.  Did I tell you what my menu has been?

Water with special K protein stuffs

beef broth

sugar free Jello in a variety of outstanding flavors

Exciting.  I know.  Around day 7/week2 I’ll be switching to full liquid diet and getting this JP drain out.  What is that?  Oh it’s super awesome.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackson-Pratt_drain  Don’t eat before looking at that, by the way.  Basically it’s a drain coming out of an incision that collects…stuff…from my insides.  That’s the best definition I could come up with, so I went with it.

Do I sound kinda grumpy?  I suppose I am.  Eating was a huge part of my life, I admit it.  I was working full time before having David in Jan 2008 so I wasn’t sitting around, watching tv with David or on the computer all day.  Snacking all day and into the late evening.  My biggest meal of the day was definitely dinner and it was usually whatever I liked and was relatively healthy for the kids.  David still eats more vegetables than any adult I know, but I was watching my 11 year old daughter’s snacking habits mimic mine.  You’d think I’d feel like a hypocrite telling her, “No you cannot have a snack,” while eating another snack myself.

She is a beautiful little girl with an adorable figure.  I’d like to keep her that way.