Week 19

start weight: 242

current weight: 188

jean size: 14


I’m losing weight pretty damn fast now, and to be very honest, I have NO clue as to why.  I’m eating my 6 meals a day – really small meals (I should take a picture the next time) and admittedly I’ve been snacking on ritz crackers (GOD THEY ARE SO GOOD) but I’m still working out my minimum of 3 times a week.  I’ve upped my protein intake by adding fish to my diet at least for lunch every day and I’ve noticed the more protein I take in, the less hungry I am.  Who knew the doctor would be right about that?  I mean, pssh, he just went to medical school. /snort


I’ve added supplements to help with my hair loss, but I’m hoping the extra protein will help with that as well.  It’s inevitable and will happen no matter what I do, but I worry about it growing back in at the same thickness.  Hopefully it does – you live your life with awesome thick black hair just to lose it along with the extra 100lbs you picked up after 2 kids and 20 years of marriage…it’s disheartening!

Week 18

start weight:  242

current weight:  191

Jeans size starting – 18/20

Currently jean size – comfortable 14


It’s odd, being able to walk into a department store junior/ladies section and actually pick up a pair of jeans, off the rack, and buy them without even trying them on and know that they’ll fit.  Ok, I was pretty sure they’d fit.  When I bought a pair of clearance jeans at the BX today, I thought – ok, it’s 75% off, if it doesn’t quite fit yet, it will, right?


Oh they fit.  Fit super fine.


I stood in the kitchen looking down at the jeans and thinking…they fit?  And they were 3 dollars?  Ladies and gentlemen…it does not get any better than this.

Week 17

start weight:  242

current weight:  192 (-50lbs)


Hell YES!  Finally hit the 50 pound mark, which is coincidentally my halfway mark to my total goal of 100 pounds.  Will I achieve that lofty goal?  I hope so.  I’m giving myself 1 year to get it to be realistic.


I’ve been losing about 1-2lbs a week, with some serious plateaus, but I’ve lost about 3lbs this past week so I’m hoping I’m over the first really big hump.  I haven’t been this weight since…shoot…I worked at Comcast back in the day?  Around 2003, almost 10 years.  Yoinks.  How sad is that?  Pre-Catherine I weighed about 140 and that took about 2 years to achieve.  I was 198 moving back to Washington in 1995 and promptly lost about 15 pounds.  I settled at around 175 in…1997?  Something like that.  I hovered around 165 for a little while and then boom – suddenly every time I went to the doctors, I weighed less.  They started me on metformin and then one day at the doctors I weighed 142.  I had stopped eating, for the most part, because the medication made me sick to my stomach, but I know for a long while I was losing inches, not pounds.  So at around a size 8 and 140lbs, I got pregnant with Catherine, which was planned and we were thrilled.  I put back on about 60lbs.  Lost about 20 after she was born, but Comcast had so much candy and food – I put that 20 back on and then some.


So, it feels great to have lost 50lbs.  Sucks that I put it on in the first place, but it’s gone and I’m working slowly but surely back to my pre-Catherine weight.  I’m excited!  I work out at least 3 times a week – doing 30 mins on the elliptical machine and then a variety of weight lifting, nothing too hardcore, at McChord’s big boy gym.  Why the HELL have I been putting off working out at the gym?  The eye candy is RI-DONK-U-LOUS!  Yes, I usually just take my glasses off, close my eyes, and listen to my IPod, but when I open them there I’m suddenly surrounded by beefy men.  God bless the armed forces, yo.