Week 19

start weight: 242

current weight: 188

jean size: 14


I’m losing weight pretty damn fast now, and to be very honest, I have NO clue as to why.  I’m eating my 6 meals a day – really small meals (I should take a picture the next time) and admittedly I’ve been snacking on ritz crackers (GOD THEY ARE SO GOOD) but I’m still working out my minimum of 3 times a week.  I’ve upped my protein intake by adding fish to my diet at least for lunch every day and I’ve noticed the more protein I take in, the less hungry I am.  Who knew the doctor would be right about that?  I mean, pssh, he just went to medical school. /snort


I’ve added supplements to help with my hair loss, but I’m hoping the extra protein will help with that as well.  It’s inevitable and will happen no matter what I do, but I worry about it growing back in at the same thickness.  Hopefully it does – you live your life with awesome thick black hair just to lose it along with the extra 100lbs you picked up after 2 kids and 20 years of marriage…it’s disheartening!