Week 26

start weight:  242

current weight:  who knows


So I got the results back from my diabetic A1C yesterday.  Yeah, kinda weird.  I take less insulin, but because I cut out my lunch dose, my a1c went from 8 to 9.1 .  That doesn’t mean anything to you, does it.  Ok, so normal, non-diabetic is 5.  Good for a diabetic is under 7.  Yeah…not doing as good as I thought.  So I’m back to testing my sugar fasting/lunch/dinner/+2dinner to make sure it’s under control again.  My doctor wants me to come back in and talk to him about it.


I fucking hate my new doctor.


Just wanted to put that out there.


He reminds me of my 9th grade english teacher Mr. Barrett.  I didn’t like him.  At all.  Talks over you, isn’t friendly, and is generally a…well a doctor.  Not going to follow up with him, but that’s another story.


I’m still running – I can go just over 3 minutes at 5mph now which is super awesome.  2 miles in 30  minutes.  That’s running for 2-3 mins, walking for 2-3 and back and forth.  Learning to breath is interesting, I try not to think about it but apparently there’s a correct way.  I don’t get side aches or hyperventilate when I run, so I guess I’m doing ok.  My appetite is incredible still, but I am expending that energy.  I weighed myself at the gym with my sneakers and clothes on – 180.  So minus 3lbs, that’s SUPPOSEDLY 177, but I doubt it.  I gave up weighing myself because it’s frustrating.  I feel like I’m losing inches still so that’s a relief at least.