Week 1, Day 6 – Over doing it

Start weight:  237.5

Current weight:  225

You know when they say, “When you feel better, you’ll want to do more, but you really shouldn’t?” yet you think to yourself, I’ll be all right.  I’m just heading to the store for a few things and I’ll be right out.  I did it 2 weeks after I had a c-section to have David, right?

Jesus CHRIST, I remember now why I swore I’d never do that again.

I went to the commissary and was in there about 30 mins with Catherine, lugging the heavy stuff.  Halfway thru I’m huffin’ and puffin’, grabbing at Catherine to walk slower.  By the time I pay and get into my father’s car, I about fall into my seat and just sit there for a few moments, trying to catch my breath before I even attempt to lean out and close the door.

You feel SO great after a week so.  It is such a lie.  I also made the mistake of steam cleaning David’s bedroom.  He’s at that stage of potty training where he rips off his diaper and urinates where ever the stream hits.  I was a tiny bit winded after that, but then I took a shower and was like…whew.  On an up note, my father showed up to pick my mom back up and take her home and immediately said he saw a difference in me.  I don’t, not really – it’s only 12 pounds.  But that is 12 pounds in 6 days.

Those diets that claim you can lose 20 pounds in like 2 seconds?  I read somewhere that the first 20 pounds you lose is from all the water you’re retaining since the diet drastically changes the amount of sodium you take in, so I attribute any outward physical changes to that.  I’m not bloated.  Even my feet aren’t swelling, which is so nice.  I’m excited at how I’ll look in 6 weeks, then in 6 months, but right now I’m just anxious for my appt on Tuesday to yank out my JP drain and to eat something other than jello.

Something interesting happened while looking for the sugar free jello and pudding, though.  I asked out loud to Catherine where her grandmother had found them and a portly gentleman sitting in one of those little mechanized chairs pointed up to the top shelf.

“I have a list of specific things I need, too.  Hard to find.”

“Yeah,” I replied and thanked him.  As I passed him, I looked at his little cart in front of him and saw the list to what he was referring.  It was the same list I had.

I’m 37 years old and a good 100 pounds over my max weight.  This man was probably a good 350 pounds, round, and maybe in his 60’s.  The ages varied in my ‘pathway’ classes, but the average age was at least 50, so that put me as one of the youngest in each of my classes.  It’s just bizarre to me where those people are at in their lives – so morbidly obese, barely able to walk, and here I am diabetic and breathing like I was riddin hard and not the good way.  I should be thankful I had this done early in life, but it’s also sad that I’m even at this point at such a young age.