Week 10

start weight: 242

current weight: 202


Ok so I’m still hanging tough with this plateau and I am SO FRIGGIN HUNGRY.  I swear, I feel totally jipped by winning the ‘2% of patients who will still experience hunger after surgery’ lottery.  Seriously?  I AM STARVING.  It’s forcing me, yes – my hunger is twisting my arm – to want to snack.  But really, I know what it is.


It’s habit.


I’m psychologically starving, I know this.  I’m a ‘wow I’m bored’ eater and I tend to do that late at night after dinner.  If the kids and I go out, I don’t over eat at all, but if we’re home?  Oh my god I eat so fast and afterwards I feel like my stomach is going to split.  I can’t help it and it’s freaking me out.  I am, however, working out like a fiend.  Well, not really, but I started with walking and got up to 3 miles in 1 hr, but I have recently added the elliptical machine and now I’m up to 30 minutes/2 miles.


The difference between the two exercises is definitely cardio.  I think I’m going to have a heart attack with the elliptical while on it, but I’m not as sore or exhausted after walking 3.1 mph on the treadmill.  (I prefer the treadmill because I can maintain my speed – not my dog dragging me down the street trying to attack the squirrels taunting her – plus ‘sweaty guy’ is just cool to look at as he walks around the gym and exercises).  I digress….


My first big goal is breaking 200lbs, but I’ve lost 40lbs to date and I’m at 2 1/2 months.  That’s not bad and I prefer the weight loss slowing down so I don’t look like a saggy meat bag.  I’m not in a hurry, I just don’t want to f9ck myself and stretch my stomach out.  EATING IS HARD.  /sigh