Week 12: 3 month post surgery appt

start weight: 242

current weight bare ass naked in the AM: 199


I hate that they weigh you completely clothed with your heaviest shoes on and call it your weight for the day.  With my heavy sketcher shoes, jeans, belt, and shirt I’m 203.  I am also not getting enough protein, blergh, but my Vitamin A and D deficiencies are nonexistent.  That’s comforting, not the protein part though – just means I have to drink more of the nasty protein drinks and powders.  /barf


The PA did explain that it is probably why I’m so damn hungry all the time.  I work out at least twice a week, if not three times, so my body is requiring more food for energy.  Why isn’t it working with the coffee I drink every day?  That should be enough!  I kid.  Overall I’m doing well although they did recommend I start going to support groups.  I suppose I should, but they’re hard to get to with the schedules.  I’ll work it out.

Week 12

start weight: 242

current weight: 199


Foods not to eat:  cheese, milk higher than 2%, not really coffee coffee from the base shoppette or any other 7-11 type store


Oh god I feel so sick.  One thing I’ve noticed, and heard from other bypass peeps, is that after the surgery you tend to become lactose intolerant.  That’s just…well that’s just mean.  I love milk – LOVE IT – and I hate not being able to cook with heavy cream or drink coffee sweetener.  It’s just not cool.  =/


I had blood drawn this morning for my 3 month follow up appointment with General Surgery this thursday.  I’m anxious to see the results – apparently I was Vitamin A deficient in addition to Vit. D, but who in Washington State isn’t lacking in Vitamin D.  There is no sun, just overcast, but I think it really started in Alaska where there’s sun maybe 72 hours in the year.  No, I kid, 5 days I bet.  O_o


Still feeling good, despite the milk issues.  I had steak for the first time today, too.  I might just keep away from it though, food like that unless it’s some super awesome cut is just too fatty.  I’m back to drinking coffee twice a day but I’m going to cut back on that, too.  Also, I had an avocado for the first time since my surgery.  Texture was just all wrong and made me a little blah to my stomach.  So let’s recap:


Foods I love but can’t tolerate anymore –


Avocados (this makes me sad, you have no idea)


Almonds (again, a texture thing and fills me up like ASAP)

Cookies (sugar is bad, yo.  Just turned my stomach.)


At least it’s the really bad things I can’t tolerate.  Well avocados are somewhat good for you, it’s a good fat (if there’s such a thing) and almonds are a good snack, that is of course, you don’t eat the entire bulk bag you bought that same day.  I had weird eating habits, apparently.


And my journey….continues!

Week 11

Starting weight: 242

Current weight: 199


Hell.  Yes.  First major goal met.  It’s been since at least 2006 since I’ve weighed below 200.  Hell in 1999 I weighed this much the day before I gave birth to Catherine.  =/  In any case, I’m ecstatic to have reached this goal.  It means a lot to me.  whew!


Still working out at least twice a week doing 30 mins on the elliptical.  Finding that usually wipes me out pretty good, but I need to start working in weights I think.  Start building up my Janet Jackson arms.  Because love with never do without muscles!

Week 10

start weight: 242

current weight: 202


Ok so I’m still hanging tough with this plateau and I am SO FRIGGIN HUNGRY.  I swear, I feel totally jipped by winning the ‘2% of patients who will still experience hunger after surgery’ lottery.  Seriously?  I AM STARVING.  It’s forcing me, yes – my hunger is twisting my arm – to want to snack.  But really, I know what it is.


It’s habit.


I’m psychologically starving, I know this.  I’m a ‘wow I’m bored’ eater and I tend to do that late at night after dinner.  If the kids and I go out, I don’t over eat at all, but if we’re home?  Oh my god I eat so fast and afterwards I feel like my stomach is going to split.  I can’t help it and it’s freaking me out.  I am, however, working out like a fiend.  Well, not really, but I started with walking and got up to 3 miles in 1 hr, but I have recently added the elliptical machine and now I’m up to 30 minutes/2 miles.


The difference between the two exercises is definitely cardio.  I think I’m going to have a heart attack with the elliptical while on it, but I’m not as sore or exhausted after walking 3.1 mph on the treadmill.  (I prefer the treadmill because I can maintain my speed – not my dog dragging me down the street trying to attack the squirrels taunting her – plus ‘sweaty guy’ is just cool to look at as he walks around the gym and exercises).  I digress….


My first big goal is breaking 200lbs, but I’ve lost 40lbs to date and I’m at 2 1/2 months.  That’s not bad and I prefer the weight loss slowing down so I don’t look like a saggy meat bag.  I’m not in a hurry, I just don’t want to f9ck myself and stretch my stomach out.  EATING IS HARD.  /sigh

Week 9

Start weight:  242

Current weight: 202 (-40lbs)

YES!  Although not quite at my first real big goal (-200lb), it’s still pretty damn cool.

I’ve had to dig through my closet again to find jeans that fit.  The jeans I was wearing at the start are just too big to even wear now (thank god).  Right now I wear a pair of jeans that my big ole butt couldn’t squeeze into post-David as casual floppy wear around the house.  Even had to roll up the pant legs, which is kinda cute and I might do with my other jeans.  Jean capris!  I’m down to fitting into skinny 18’s or regular 16’s with ease now.  That elusive size 14 is something I haven’t worn since…2003?  No, 2002, before I started working for Comcast back in the day.  Catherine had just turned 3 years old and she’s 11 now O_O.  If I can ever get into a 14, lord help me, I will completely lose my crap.

Still working out weekly:  added the elliptical machine (god who created that torture device) and I’m up to 8 mins.  Hey, that’s a lot for me.  Walking at least 3-5 miles weekly.  It’s getting nice here and I’m going to need to get one of those weird trailer thingies for David during the summer or I might not have time to exercise since I go when he’s in preschool.

I’m happy.  Friggin deliriously happy.  I feel great, sore, but great and my husband has finally noticed a difference in my body.  He’s had only skype to see me on and the quality isn’t that great, but I recently posted a picture of me and even he could see the difference.  So happy.  Ultimately my goal is to take another 60lbs off, but I figure I’m almost halfway there.  Anything else is icing.

Week 8

Starting weight 242

Current weight 205

Managed to walk 5k on Monday, although I am suffering for it today.  I need to start trying to work other things into my workouts, but I can see a difference in my body already.  Looking down in the shower today my thigh looked suspiciously less gelatinous and that was encouraging.  My waist is beginning to come out from his long hibernation and it’s nice to be able to just see my boobs instead of my gut when I look down at my feet.  I suppose on Thursday I will add either an elliptical to my work out (30 mins of walking, 30 mins of the torture device) or if it’s nice, go for a bike ride around the neighborhood, see if I can’t get up to 4 miles or at least ride for an hour.  I need to start stretching out before (or after) my workouts as well.  That’s a first lol.

Had lunch today with a girlfriend from high school.  It’s funny how everyone asks, “Can you eat that?” or “What can you even eat?”.  I can eat normally now, except for extremely rich foods high in fat or sugary yumminess.  I haven’t had candy since my surgery or my cajun chicken pasta (made with heavy whipping cream) – both things would tear me UP.  Nice incentive not to eat like that, too.  Although today I wanted some potato chips, but that urge was gone in about 10 seconds.

Week 7 – Day 53

Start weight 242

Current weight 206.5

Ugh, ok so walking 3 miles in an hour isn’t as doable as I thought.  Hit the gym again today after giving my body some time to heal, but I was wiped out after almost 2 miles and 30 mins.  Even watching ‘Hot Fuzz’ with Simon Pegg could not keep me going!  Et tu, energy and B12?  You have betrayed me.

Week 7, Day 51

Start Weight 242

Current Weight 206.5


I am ALMOST there.  The big goal for me right now isn’t a jean or dress size, but breaking that 200lb mark.  Man, it’s been YEARS since I was below 200.  Shit I can even remember the outfit I was wearing!  It was 2006 and Mike was in Kyrgyzstan.  Think I dropped to about 192.  That was the last time.  I’m so so so so close now.  I’m just about back to normal foods – there are some I still avoid like the plague (sweets/sugary, fats, fatty milk) but I stay at about 4 oz of food and eat my protein first.  I feel fantastic, especially after today!

Walked 3 miles in 1 hour!  It is so weird walking that fast!  When I started walking after my surgery, I was managing maybe about 2.3 mph at the fastest and that was hauling ass for me.  I used to walk SO slow, I knew I did but I had no idea how slow it really was.  I was always pulling on Mike or Catherine, asking them to slow down.  I would ask Mike why he was walking so fast and he’d say sweetly, “I’m not, babe, you’re walking kinda slow.”


Yeah, I was.  3mph felt a little fast at first, but I’ve been trying to maintain about 2.5 walking in the neighborhood and that’s gotten so much easier that pumping it up to 3 was nothing.  Hell, I pushed it up to 3.2ph during my cool down, which really isn’t a cool down – I realize this, but I wanted to get the 3 miles within the 60 minutes.  I did it in 61 minutes and 11 seconds, but SAME THING!  Whew!  My thighs burned and I might be getting blisters with my new shoes =/ but it’s worth it.  I feel fantastic!

Week 6 – Day 49

Starting weight 242

Current weight 208

I really need a tape measure.  Plus I really need to update this more.  So I’m finishing up week 6 and feeling good, Mr. Wint!  Quick, name what movie that’s from?  ‘Diamonds are Forever’ – need to be quicker.

It’s been a while with many different types of developments.  I’ve been experiencing some hellacious pain near the spot where my drain and ‘stitch’ (don’t ask me, but it was the depressed portion of my stomach that my surgeon said would pop out and it has).  With my jumping right into lifting stuff again at about 4 weeks, I managed to hurt myself but GOOD.  I twisted and bent down (which is not lifting, mind you) and I thought I was going to die.  I couldn’t stand up straight, couldn’t take deep breaths, felt like Jack the Ripper was following me around, gutting me for the helluva it, and finally I was so freaked out that I thought I had a hernia, that I called my parents and damn near cried.  My father reassured me and said they would be down that next day to watch the kids if I wanted to go to the hospital and lo’ and behold…I felt better after talking to my parents.

Was it real or my MIND POWERS.  I’m going with the latter because the former isn’t as neat.

So the pain has finally gone away.  Yeah!  Experienced one of the unpleasant side affects of eating greasy and sugary foods (had a couple bites of pizza, I think).  Took the kids to the movies and had the most painful…uh…bathroom moments.  Lasted for like a half hour, woof.  Had it again later that night – waking up at 2am.  That is horrible at 2am, let me tell you =/  But that passed, too…thank god.  Other than that, I had a post surgery nutrition class and that went well.  Apparently I’m the only person suffering hunger pains like crazy – with this kind of luck, I should have won the lottery already  =/

In any case, I’ve been walking since my weight completely plateaued.  I was stuck at 211 for about 2 weeks so I upped my walking and managed to get to 2.6 miles in 1 hour.  Go me!  The dog is pretty durn tired after the walk though.  I felt bad hehe.  But the walking helped me take another 3lbs off and then the kids went on Spring Break this week.  I got some walking shoes though and plan to pick it up mon/tues/thurs/fri, trying to get up to 3 miles, circling base housing.  The pounds might not be coming off, but the inches are LIKE CRAZY.  Half my wardrobe has opened up to me!  Clothes from pre-David are LOOSE.  I LOVE IT.  I went from squeezing my ass into an 18 and refusing to buy size 20’s when I really needed to to size 16’s being loose fitting.  I’m kinda excited!  I can button up old shirts that I haven’t been able to button since 2006 and I feel GREAT.  I’ll post pictures eventually, but I still kinda don’t see it in my face, but some of my friends do though.

However, I’ll keep updating this more often.  Maybe with my daily meals (back to normal food, except junk food – still can’t and won’t stomach that crap), my daily walks, some pictures, and my uber deep thoughts.  Thanks for keeping tuned in =)

Week 4

Starting weight: 242

Current weight: 211

Definitely plateaued with the weight loss.  Kinda scary to me, but that was a lot of weight in such a short time.  Caught a view of myself in a column mirror at the mall – I look deflated lol.  It’s weird not having such a huge tire around my stomach, but I really need to start wearing my spanx, yo O_O

Had a scary moment yesterday.  I ate too much and too fast and I thought I was gonna die =/  I couldn’t throw it up either, it just absolutely refused to come up.  So I had to sit and calm myself down and stop thinking I was going to tear my stomach open =/  Lesson learned though, let me tell you.  Keeping up with my vitamins, water, and really pushing the protein supplements.  It’s not so bad now that I found something palatable.

Have company this week, but mom’s here next so I’ll be hitting the gym and walking the dog more when David is in school.  Force my mother to walk with me too. =)