Week 2, Day 8 – milk is so good

start weight:  237.5

current weight:  221.5 (-16lbs)

Huh, 16 pounds.  Lost 3.5lbs yesterday.  Also woke up with low blood sugar, first time in a week.  It’s like my body knew it was week 2 so I had to have some significant things happen.  JP drain coming out today, started diary – well soy in my diet.  Although I do need to find powdered milk (who eats that stuff?) so I can ‘enrich’ my milk.  Wonder if breast milk would help, not that I’d do that!

On a sad note, Mike’s grandfather Pete died last night after struggling a little over a year after grandmother betsy, his wife, passed.  Congestive heart failure and his lungs just gave up.  Such a sweet man, to me and the kids.  Mike’s parents sped out of here but did not make it in time to say good bye, but I think Pete’s passing is a good thing – his quality of life was struggling to breath and complete exhaustion going to and from the hospital.  God rest his soul.

On a phat note, I’ll ask my doctor if 16lbs in one week is healthy.  I mean, they said I would definitely lose 60lbs, but I didn’t think I’d do the bulk of it in the first 4 weeks O_O .  Losing weight too fast is my problem – never thought that would happen.